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How to Change Your Life – Part 4

Emotionals States

Anyone is vulnerable!               Image from

“An emotion does not cause pain. Resistance or suppression of emotion causes pain.”
― Frederick Dodson

Emotional States and Life Change decision making

Don’t go shopping on an empty stomach! Makes sense really, doesn’t it! Your tummy will make you bring groceries home that only your present appetite would want.

So why deal with other issues, when your emotional state is not focussed where it needs to be?

One reality of Life Change events and periods is that your emotions will probably be a little turbulent. Especially if it was a sudden event and you didn’t choose it! If you were made redundant from a job you had been at for a long time, it is to be expected that you would be upset, possibly feel betrayed, hurt, abandoned and a host of other emotions. If it financially disadvantaged you, the emotions of fear and loss will be there also.

Emotional States

Emotional Turbulence – image from

Not a great frame of mind to start planning a new future, is it?

Understanding what goes on in your mind at times like these is the key to managing the emotions and turning them around to work for you. Being aware of your emotions is the first step in this management process!

I’m angry!

How often have you had something go wrong, and suddenly found yourself angry over it? Did you make the choice to be angry? Or did you just discover it happened? Mostly, we find out afterwards. However, it is possible to raise awareness to a level where we can see the emotional change coming, and then choose consciously, before it becomes too late, which emotion to feel, that will put us in the best position to deal with it.

Emotional States

Grrrr!               Image from

We have seen sports people put their opponents off their game with ‘sledging’ or other emotional upset strategies, whose game then goes off and they lose the match. However, some players, in whatever sport, seem immune to this behaviour. Why is that?

These professionals have mastered their emotions. They are aware of the emotional upset games and are acutely aware of their emotions, and CHOOSE different emotional states to counter them!

A TV series some years ago explained this in a wonderful and funny way. “Herman’s Head” was about Herman and the four “sub-personalities” in his head, in charge of his four major emotional states. The four characters acting out Herman’s emotions each represented a different aspect of his personality and were very one dimensional. This is a very fair representation of what goes on, although we have many more than four sub-personalities! Remember the ‘shopping when hungry’ experience? How powerful but one dimensional is the pull of the appetite when shopping while ravenous! The fast food counter got a work-over, the BBQ chicken counter had us in from the start, but none of the laundry items made it home!

Emotional States

Herman’s Head TV Show – image from

In a similar manner, when we are angry, we think of little else. When we are sad or depressed, our thinking is in a very narrow focus. However, by being aware of our emotional states and choosing differently, we could be in a much more productive frame of mind.

Rather than angry about losing that job, how about becoming creative and finding a brilliant new way of promoting how valuable you are to a new potential employer? Rather than becoming a Kamikaze Road Rage driver when cut off, how about choosing to be a responsible parent and keep the children sitting in the back seat safe and out of harm’s way? Rather than being depressed, how about being resourceful and choosing to see the future differently?

It’s all about changing that attitude.

The problem is that once it is upon you, it’s very hard to change. You need to catch it beforehand, and choose differently before you are overwhelmed by the new emotional upset.

How do we become aware of emotional states and upsets and changes before they happen?

One section of the Life Change 90 program does precisely this. You make a note of your emotional states each evening through a simple, 30 second process we show you. Over a short time, this makes being aware of your emotional state or changes natural, and you actually CAN see them coming.

Once that happens, you can then choose differently. It really is that simple. However, you need to develop that awareness first and the Life Change 90 program is one of the few readily available ways to easily gain this awareness.

There are other benefits of this awareness also. You learn the range of emotional states you have available within you, to call upon when needed. For example, for those terrified of public speaking, you could call on that part of your psyche that loved to show off, and actually enjoy getting up with a microphone. For those who feared the dark, you could call on that part of your psyche that loved exploring, and make an adventure of the night time! There are so many other examples, and each person will have their own to think about.

If you’d like to develop your emotional awareness as a strategy to deal with and even prevent emotional upset, Life Change 90 has this feature built into it, as part of a powerful suite of tools created specifically to enable you to deal with and manage life change events and times to your benefit. Download it now and start working on your own emotional states, get them working for you, instead of controlling your life for you.

If the life change event or process is too much for you to work on alone, there are people you can ask for help – specialist Life Change Coaches.

Next section of this ‘How To Change Your Life’ series, we will look at Goalsetting, the thing that so many people are afraid of, yet they are actually doing it all day, every day!  Goalsetting for your life change process is a little different to regular goalsetting, and you need to understand that difference!

Til next time, fair winds and full sails,

Ray Jamieson

“When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem. We have to slow down and deal with what is troubling us, so that we can enjoy the simple joy of being happy and at peace with ourselves.” ― Jess C. Scott

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How to change your life – part 3 – Self Discipline

Life Change Event Definition

It’s OK to ask for help


How to Change Your Iife – Part 2

How to Change Your Iife - Part 2

Taking Action!              Image from

Your decision to change

“It’s better to be boldly decisive and risk being wrong than to agonize at length and be right too late.”  Author Unknown

 How To Change Your Life – Part 2

Something has motivated you to make change some serious changes in your life. It doesn’t matter what the motivator was, the important point is that you have decided to change – a huge step. Next, you need to act on that decision.

When planning something like this, the “six little helpers” are often a useful starting point:


In How to Change Your Life – Part 2, let’s take a look at them. Some are critical at this time, while others are distractions – you need to know the difference!

What will change?

Your most important question – knowing what you are changing and what you are changing to, and aiming at. We touched on this in How to change your life – Part 1, and it is critical to keep it in mind. Clarity of mind leads to power of purpose! When you can see the goal clearly, you can map out the steps to it more easily. You can also see the obstacles too – and that is vital!

When will this change?

The answer will often be NOW, or in the immediate future. The urgency can dictate criteria that will override other factors at times, including the time available for planning. Allow as much time as possible, but use all the time available wisely. Be aware of deadlines!


Step by step. We will focus on this aspect in later blogs, in great detail, but for now, consider it a “goalsetting process”. Start by seeing the end goal as having been achieved. Feel the sense of achievement in advance. Use that as a motivation to invest the time available into considering all aspects of your planning for this life change.


May not be relevant at the moment, but later in the process of changing your life, it will have a bearing.


The great distractor! Please don’t be sidelined by trying to understand “why” everything or anything is the way it is. Deal with the reality that right now, you have made a decision to change, you have already found reasons for it, and trying to understand other factors or people’s motivations for the circumstances will only take your eyes off the prize. Right now, you need to focus on the priorities and aside from understanding your motivation to change, asking “Why?” about most of the other factors is not usually going to assist your planning.

Who? Lots of WHO questions to consider.

How to change your life - part 2

Family support team.       Image from

Who will be affected by the change? Will they support you, or not? Who do you need to approach to gain support and guidance from, either from within your close circles, or from external sources?

Family is the first consideration – if you are making a major life change, you need your family onside, or a plan to deal with the consequences. There are times when the decision that is best for you may not be the most popular with your family, even if it is the best course. If that is the case, you need to get the required support you need from elsewhere, and plan for accessing the resources your family might usually provide from elsewhere too.

If your family are beneficiaries of your decisions, you need to involve them in the process – it’s the best way to ensure you retain their support.

Who else is likely to be affected by your decision? Co-workers, friends or others in your community? Is this important to you and to the success of your decision? If their support is important, how can you get them on board and keep them with you?

If they are likely to be adversely affected and not support you, how will you deal with this?

Who do you need support and guidance from, in specific areas? Would a Life Change Coach be valuable to you through this period?

How to change your life - part 2

Time for a life change coach?    Image from

Life Change Coaches specialise in situations where you need to start over in one area of life, or for where you need to reinvent yourself totally. If you are making a fresh start, by definition, you are unlikely to be prepared or experienced in that area, just because you are starting somewhere new. However, you can access the resources, skills and experiences you need, possibly even some shortcuts, by retaining a Life Change Coach.

There will be many areas and moments in this change process where additional support could be valuable. Even if your family and friends are all on side with you, some of the situations will be outside the experience and knowledge base of any of those people, well-meaning though they are.

The other factors of importance here are objectivity and a broader perspective. Because a Life Change Coach is outside your immediate world, they will have a broader world view. Because they are not personally vested, they will have objectivity. Those two factors alone make a Life Change Coach a valuable investment.

For a free coaching session, CLICK HERE to access the Life Change 90 Free Coaching Session page.  Should you know of anyone else needing support with a life change event, whatever it is, please refer them here also.  Changing their life could also help change yours!

Next blog will be about developing and maintaining the self-discipline you need to successfully manage and maintain a positive life change experience.  Whilst life change CAN be an event, maintaining and reaping the benefits of the changes over time requires self-discipline!

Til next time, fair winds and full sails!

Ray Jamieson

Relevant articles:

How to change your life – Part 1

Life Change Event Definition

“Success emerges from the quality of the decisions we make and the quantity of luck we receive. We can’t control luck. But we can control the way we make choices.” ― Chip Heath, Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work

How to change your life - Part 2

It’s what you really wanted, isn’t it?                       Image from

How to Change Your Life – part 1

How to change your life

The time is now!                     Image from Wikihow

“What you’re missing is that the path itself changes you.” ― Julien Smith, The Flinch

How to Change Your Life

If you look at an old photo, you know you have changed. Some major changes, others more subtle, but you will have changed. Change will continue – that is part of being alive.

Consciously choosing major life change is different. Moving from what you know and are comfortable with, to something totally or markedly different can be daunting. However, a number of times in the life of every person, this happens.

There are three ways Life Change happens.

1. You can just let life drag you along and accept wherever you end up.

2. You can wait until life’s events force you into taking action, because you cannot remain where you are.

3. The third option, and the best, is to take charge of the change, guide and direct it to achieve exactly what you want from life. When you accept that life change will happen a number of times through life, you think differently about how important this change process is!

What are these Life Change events?

1. Starting school
2. Changing school
3. Graduating from school and entering the workforce
4. Entering and graduating university
5. Each significant relationship beginning (and possibly ending)
6. Marriage
7. Birth of children
8. Changes in residence, either from one home to another, or to a new town, state or country.
9. Health changes
10. Financial changes
11. Career changes
12. Starting a business
13. Retirement
14. Interests and personal goals taking prominence in your life
15. Setting new major goals

These are some of the events that precipitate life changes. We are all in there, a number of times.

How to change your life

Starting school!        Image from Huffington Post

Some changes we have little control over, such as starting or leaving school or university to enter the workforce, health or financial challenges, career changes when employers make decisions for you.

However, there are many changes we CAN take control and ownership of.  Many will pre-empt forced changes that might otherwise occur. For example, if your employer is in trouble financially, deciding to seek a new career early before you are laid off is a better option and one which gives you more time and control over the change, rather than waiting to be given notice! That only provides a fortnight and some severance pay to speed you on your way.

This blog is the first in a series on #HOW TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE and will provide a Step-By-Step guide to making life changes. Each new blog in the series will deal with and guide you through another part of the process. This first blog in the “How To Change Your Life” series is all about the decision to make the change, and your motivation for it.

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

The motivation to change.

The first step is the realisation you have to make changes. This can be as a result of imposed change, or because you desire better and choose to change.

Your motivation for change is important, in the longer term results you achieve from the change process. If you desire something new or better from your life, that will attract the result of the change towards you far more than something which is just pushing you off your previous path.

If your employer is actually in trouble, you could see it as being forced to change, and go look for another similar job. That is called “AWAY” motivation, just getting away from something you don‘t like, or fear – unemployment in this case.

If you change your attitude towards it, you begin your job search early to look for a new career opportunity of your choosing, seeking the stability, financial rewards, personal challenge and satisfaction that actually makes going to work a pleasure! That is a much more attractive, powerful and inspirational motivator than just looking for any old job that is available.

Knowing what you want.

The next part of the process is in knowing exactly what you want. Without clarity, you can search aimlessly and perhaps miss the perfect opportunity, because you didn’t recognise it.

How do you know what you want?

When you are choosing a new life direction, choose one you are passionate about.

If you don’t know what your passion is, invest in the Business Profits Program.

This PDF download is a simple, powerful and effective planning tool that begins with finding your passion. From there you can build a career, your job, life or even a business if you choose, around that passion.

How to change your life

Passion! Image from “What a Feeling” by Irene Cara

First, find your passion.

“There is no passion to be found playing small–in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”  – Nelson Mandela

The tools in the Business Profits Program will identify what you love about your life, what you are good at, and where you can focus to create a life that you love, doing what you are great at, and where you will be rewarded for it!

If you know someone else who is motivated and wants to learn how to change your life, please tell them about this powerful series. Any period of change is a time when we can use all the support available.

Til next time, fair winds and full sails.
Ray Jamieson

Next time: Acting on your decision to change

“Success is a decision, not a gift.” ― Steve Backley

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